To find out what car your class should run in, see the SCCA Solo Rulebook: More details for local classing can be found at the bottom of this page.
Spokes Bylaws (last updated Oct 2017)
Board of Directors
- President
- Vice-President
- Executive Treasurer
- Executive Secretary
- Timing and Scoring Chief
- Worker Chief
- Technical Inspector Chief
- Equipment Manager
- Novice Chief
Volunteer Duties
Competition Rules
- General
- Organization
- Courses
- Contestants
- Safety Equipment
- Vehicles
- Classification
- Timing and Scoring
- Protests
- Trophies
- Championship Series
- SCCA Classes & Spokes Indexed Classes
All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in the Board of Directors of the Texas Spokes Sports Car Club.
Section 1. – Board of Directors
No person shall act as an agent of the Texas Spokes Sports Car Club (TSSCC) without specific authorization from the President or prior approval of this body.
A. Composition
Executive Treasurer
Executive Secretary
Timing and Scoring Chief
Technical Inspector Chief
Worker Chief
Novice Chief
Equipment Manager
B. Qualifications
Members of the Board of Directors must be members in good standing.
C. Vacancies
- Vacancies shall be filled by election or appointment by the president (see G).
- In the event that the president leaves the position, the vice president will assume the duties of the president on an interim basis. At the option of the vice president, a new election will be held for either a new president or vice president. At the earliest possible general meeting, the vice president will announce the date set for the election.
D. Chairperson
The current President shall be the Chairperson and shall call and conduct all meetings. In the President’s absence the Vice-president shall preside. (If both are absent, the President shall appoint a temporary substitute).
E. Voting Privileges
- All members of the Board of Directors shall have full voting authority.
- Seven (7) members shall constitute a quorum.
F. Nominations
- Members can, and are encouraged to nominate themselves for any position they would like to hold.
- A nominee can only run for one position per BOD election.
- The current Spokes BOD will communicate the time period during which nominations are being accepted.
G. Election
- All officers of the Board of Directors shall be elected by the general membership.
- Elections (electronically or in person) but be completed no later that December 10th of the current year or a week after the last autocross of the season, whichever is earlier. The nominee(s) receiving the highest number of member votes shall be elected.
- The means of conducting the election will be driven by the technological standards of the time. At present, the elections will take place electronically via online voting.
H. Powers and Duties of Members of the Board of Directors
- Serve and vote on the Board of Directors.
- The current and incoming Boards of Directors will meet in December to review and amend where desirable the current Competition Rules, Classification System and Constitution. Any changes arising out of this review will be published and distributed no later than January 31st, or the first autocross of the season, whichever is earlier, of the year the rule changes will be effective. The current President will chair this meeting.
- Establish rules and procedures under which TSSCC is to operate.
- Approve all allocation or reimbursement of funds from the club treasury.
- The Board shall have the power to expel an officer from his position if they are remiss in their duties as members of the Spokes BOD.
- Members present will cast a vote on all matters requiring approval/disapproval.
- Fulfillment of BOD responsibilities during the event count towards a single or dual work assignment at each event.
- The official hand-off of each position should be after election but no later than end of year party.
Section 2 – General Officers
A. Title and Duties of Elected Officers
1. President
a. Preside over, provide an agenda and vote in all regular meetings.
b. Call and preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors.
c. Appoint committees to serve for whatever purpose deemed necessary to benefit TSSCC.
d. Appoint non-elected officials if any.
e. Authorized to spend up to $50 per month for discretionary purposes specific to the operation of the TSSCC.
f. Set yearly event calendar and add events to online registration management system.
g. Assume or appoint vice presidential duties with respect to event operation in the absence of the Vice President.
h. Notify appropriate publications of event schedule and club information.
i. Conduct drivers meeting. Discuss:
–Potential hazards
–Anticipated number of runs
–Running order
–Course worker assignments etc…
2. Vice-president
a. Serve and vote on the Board of Directors.
b. Preside at regular TSSCC meetings and Board of Directors meetings in the absence of the President.
c. Inspect and approve each event for safety and impact on event site.
d. Secure Event Masters for all regular TSSCC events.
e. Ensure Event Masters receive and complete duties outlined in the Event Master responsibilities in this rulebook.
f. Work with Event Master prior to each event to ensure reasonably safe course design.
g. Assist Event Master during event as needed. (i.e. course worker assignment, etc.)
h. Report to Board of Directors any Event Master or course problems.
i. Assist other Board members in contacting general membership when needed.
j. Gather and file event insurance waivers as needed for a required seven years.
3. Executive Treasurer
a. Serve and vote on Board of Directors.
b. Collect and keep current account of all moneys belonging to, owed to, or for which TSSCC is liable.
c. Submit invoices to those persons who owe money to TSSCC.
d. Present a verbal status of TSSCC treasury, and provide a written statement to the President at each regular meeting.
e. Secure insurance for each event at the President’s direction.
f. Procure truck and trailer insurance and registration.
g. Assume trophy duties from Novice Chief in his/her absence.
h. Assist other Board members in contacting general membership when needed.
i. Ensure Porta-Pottys are at each event as needed.
j. Keep TSSCC up to date with their Texas Tax Status.
4. Executive Secretary
a. Serve and vote on Board of Directors.
b. Provide amended copy of TSSCC competition rules, constitution and vehicle classifications.
c. Coordinate event registration activities and keep contact list current.
d. Provide Board of Directors with current list of paid TSSCC members.
e. Confirm event revenue with Treasurer and complete and sign a written financial report, as needed.
f. Assist other Board members in contacting general membership when needed.
g. Set up after event meetings and coordinate dates with President and Vice President.
k. Coordinate and create/publish event listings on the relevant registration, marketing, and calendaring platforms.
5. Timing and Scoring Chief
a. Serve and vote on Board of Directors.
b. Set up, maintain, and store timing equipment for event scoring.
c. Certify event results.
d. Record and publish championship standings.
e. Organize and provide timing system training to interested TSSCC members.
f. Assist other Board members in contacting general membership when needed.
6. Worker Chief
a. Serve and vote on Board of Directors.
b. Make course worker assignments at each event
c. Work with vice-president and event master on corner stations during event setup.
d. Appoint assistants (non-Board members) as needed.
e. Assist other Board members in contacting general membership before club meetings or in case of unforeseen circumstance.
7. Technical Inspector Chief
a. Serve and vote on Board of Directors.
b. Establish time, frequency, and procedure for inspecting vehicles that will be competing in TSSCC events for safety and rules adherence.
c. Establish items to be inspected.
d. Pass or fail vehicles for competition in TSSCC events.
e. Verify vehicles are classed in accordance with TSSCC rules and classes.
f. Assist other Board members in contacting general membership when needed.
8. Equipment Manager
a. Serve and vote on Board of Directors.
b. Responsible for storage and maintenance of club equipment (truck, trailer, and all equipment stored within).
c. The Equipment Manager is responsible for ensuring that the trailer is properly packed after each use.
d. Schedule at least one truck/trailer cleaning and maintenance party per year or as needed.
e. Responsible for the on-time delivery of the truck and/or trailer to the event site so that pre-event operations schedules are performed without interruption.
9. Novice Chief
a. Serve and vote on Board of Directors.
b. Meet with new drivers before event and discuss course layout, driving strategy, tire pressures, etc.
c. Work with new drivers during the event and coordinate experienced drivers to ride with these novices.
d. Confirm results and organize a novice trophy presentation at the end of each event, after the trailer has been packed.
e. Maintain Rookie of the Year eligibility statistics throughout the year.
f. Act as TSSCC public relations by introducing newcomers to club members.
g. Act as Trophy Chief and secure trophies for championship events and awards and pay for same from TSSCC treasury.
h. Assist other Board members in contacting general membership when needed.
B. Titles and Duties of Appointed Board Members
C. Titles and Duties of Non-Voting Positions
1. Social Media Manager
a. Optionally appointed by the President.
b. Duties involve taking photos and/or videos at TSSCC events and meetings, and publishing engaging content to the various social and marketing channels used by TSSCC.
2. Technical Implementation Specialist
a. Optionally appointed by the President.
b. Lead technical projects that benefit the TSSCC membership and/or club/event operations.
c. Project scope and expenses are to be approved by the Spokes BOD.
D. Volunteer Duties
1. Event Master (Not a voting position)
Event Master receives free entry for event, gets to pre-drive the course as needed with vice president approval for safety, and is eligible for points as a regular competitor. The vice president has the option to appoint a designated driver for the safety run.
Event Master Responsibilities (Many tasks can/will be delegated):
Before Event:
Make a map of the course, including the worker locations. Get tentative safety approval from Vice President.
Day of the Event:
Be at the event site no later than 7:00 am.
The trailer must be in its final location no later than 7:20 am.
Set up the course.
Get safety approval for the course.
Mark cones with chalk or crayon (when pavement is wet).
Secure the perimeter of the course where necessary to keep vehicles off of the course.
2. Truck Driver
The truck driver is entitled to free entry into that event. There is no limit on the number of times an individual can take advantage of this offer. Contact BOD member to get keys, etc. The driver is responsible for bringing the trailer to the event and returning the truck and trailer to storage after the event.
Section 1 – Dues
A. Individual memberships – $50.00 for the calendar year/season. The club may at its discretion offer prorated/discounted memberships over the course of the season.
B. Family memberships – $75 for the calendar year/season. The club may at its discretion offer prorated/discounted memberships over the course of the season. A family shall be defined as members of a household. Members of said family may vote in TSSCC general elections and attend the annual awards banquet. Any family member may enter TSSCC events at the reduced entry fee.
C. Corporate Memberships and Sponsorships – For more information on these opportunities please contact the BOD.
Section 2 – Term of Membership
One full year from the effective date of the membership.
Section 3 – Rights and Privileges
A. The right to hold office.
B. The right to vote on all matters brought for vote before the general membership.
— 1. An individual member is entitled to one vote.
— 2. All eligible club participants in family memberships are entitled to vote.
C. The right to compete for and accumulate TSSCC championship points in eligible classes.
D. The right to pre-register, at a reduced entry fee, for any TSSCC event, except when the Board of Directors has approved a change in charging of entry fees for a specific event.
E. The right to petition 10 percent of the current members of TSSCC for a general membership vote on a decision made by the Board.
F. Note, the following numbers have been retired:
The number 100 has been retired in the memory of Steve Willis, a long time member and reigning Driver of the Year at the time of his death in 1993.
The class and number combination ASP 32 has been retired in memory of Tom Ramey, multi-year Spokes President, dear friend, and all around supporter of the club. Tom passed in January 2008.
Section 4 – Responsibilities
A. Accurately represent condition of vehicle for the purpose of classification.
B. Work at events at the direction of the Worker Chief.
C. It is the responsibility of every member to conduct themselves in a manner that is in keeping with the rules and spirit of Spokes. This includes appropriate behavior behind the wheel, whether on course, on site, or around the site.
D. If a member has been in consistent conflict with the rules contained here or has continued to participate in conduct that is detrimental to the club, that person can be suspended for an indefinite period of time by a vote of the Board of Directors. The BOD can also lift such a suspension by a vote should they feel it is appropriate to do so.
1. General
1.1 These rules are applicable to all competitive driving events sponsored by TSSCC and will be available at all events.
1.2 Exceptions or additions to these rules must be approved by the Board of Directors and made available to all contestants at the event affected.
1.3 Participation in a TSSCC event shall constitute acceptance of these rules.
2. Organization
2.1 The TSSCC is responsible for ensuring reasonable safety of the event. An event may be stopped or the course may be altered at any time by the Vice-president or the President in the interest of safety or site retention. This rule in no manner negates the exercise of the release of liability performed by entrants and others who execute a liability waiver.
2.2 The course area shall be blocked off, with only one entrance and/or exit for contestants provided.
2.3 All participants, workers, and passengers shall sign an insurance release and hold a valid driver’s license. Passengers and spectators must also sign the liability release.
3. Courses
3.1 The course shall be marked clearly; as a minimum, all turns shall be defined by markers, preferably plastic traffic cones. Curbs or other solid objects shall not be used as course markers.
3.2 Courses shall be designed so that all competing vehicles can negotiate them in the same manner.
3.3 The width of gates shall not be less than 15 feet. Minimum distance between pylons in slaloms shall be 45 feet. These distances may be altered in the interest of safety, with approval of the Vice President.
3.4 Courses must meet the approval of the Vice-president.
3.5 Course marker locations shall be marked with a suitable material that is clearly visible, and non-permanent to allow replacement if necessary.
3.6 Displaced markers must be replaced before the following run.
3.7 Contestants and passengers must be securely belted in their vehicle before and during any timed events. KM is excluded from this rule.
3.8 Separate starts and finishes are recommended to expedite the running of the event.
3.9 No course layout shall require the use of reverse gear, or a parking brake.
3.10 A DNF is defined as failure to complete the prescribed course during a timed run. Backing up and/or repeating parts of a course do not necessarily constitute a DNF.
3.11 All starts must be made in the prescribed manner (no looping).
3.12 All staging areas should make some provision for multiple driver cars.
4. Contestants
4.1 Each driver must hold a valid driver’s license. Minors must have a signed and witnessed Minor Release form on file for each event.
4.2 A driver may enter the same class only once per event. A driver may enter the same vehicle up to twice per event for certain events but the second entry must follow all Double class rules (below). A driver may drive a maximum of 2 vehicles during the event, excluding substitute vehicles defined in section 4.4. “The same vehicle” is defined as having the same VIN or frame. Changing parts does not constitute a different vehicle.
4.3 If a contestant enters a second vehicle, the contestant must run one of the vehicles in the Double class and work a second shift.
4.4 Cars with more than 2 drivers will be limited to 2 drivers per heat. Additional drivers shall run in different heats and potentially in a different class, as instructed by the Worker Chief.
4.5 A driver may substitute vehicles during an event once and only with approval of the Event Master, and only because of mechanical failure. If the driver changes classes, they must choose to which class their points, times, and trophies shall apply at the time of change.
4.6 Contestants may be refused entry or disqualified by the Event Master or any BOD Member for any of the following reasons:
A. Reckless or dangerous driving, on or off the course.
B. Unsportsmanlike conduct (including intentionally misrepresenting vehicle classification or not running in assigned heat).
C. Use of alcoholic beverages or drugs during the event.
D. Smoking while competing or working on course.
E. Disregarding an official’s instructions.
F. Willfully altering the course.
G. Failure to fulfill you worker obligations at the event.
4.7 A run is considered official when the vehicle crosses the start line. If the course is found to be altered, the driver shall stop, alert the course workers, and safely exit the course. A rerun will be granted after confirmation from the course workers.
4.8 A disqualified contestant may not receive a refund of entry fee after he has received credit for a run (With the exception of 6.6)
4.9 Contestants may appeal any decisions to the Board of Directors. (See Section 3.e. of the TSSCC Constitution.)
4.10 To be eligible for “Fun Runs” the driver must have driven the event, and the car must have been teched.
4.11 No contestant shall take runs out of their proper heat (with the exception of rules 4.3 and 4.4) without the approval of the BOD.
4.12 The use of personal transportation vehicles (such as, but not limited to bicycles, scooters, skateboards, etc) while the course is open for walking is only allowed provided the competitor negotiates the course in a safe manner at a walking pace as judged by any member of the board. Motorized vehicles are not allowed without approval from a member of the board.
4.13 Any contestant (except the Event Master) who pre-drives the course for a pre-event safety check must have the approval of their class competitors to compete for points during the event.
5. Safety
5.1 Eye protection for drivers and passengers is required. Eye protection is defined as an approved face shield, goggles, or windshield. Eyeglasses or sunglasses alone are not acceptable.
5.2 All drivers and passengers must wear a DOT or SNELL approved helmet while on course.
5.3 Seat belts, properly mounted and securely fastened, are required for the driver and passengers (excluding KM). Non-factory installed upper body restraints shall not be used in a convertible car unless a roll structure is installed.
5.4 Failure to wear safety equipment shall constitute a DNF.
5.5 Each vehicle must be ready to compete prior to presentation for tech inspection (i.e., Loose items, floor mats, hubcaps removed).
5.6 Hands and arms shall be kept inside the vehicle at all times.
5.7 Only persons age 12 and older are permitted in the grid area.
5.8 There are two categories for passengers:
- A. Persons age 16 and older with a valid drivers license are permitted to ride as passengers.
- B. Spokes members, in good standing, can request permission for their relatives, age 12 or at least 57″ tall, to be allowed as passengers. Pre-approval must be done through the President. A minor waiver will need to be signed by all legal guardians prior to the event.
5.9 Smoking is not permitted in the grid area. This includes e-Cigs, Vape pens, and similar devices.
5.10 Use of cell phones, cameras, smoking, or being accompanied by friends or family during a work assignment are strictly prohibited. Violation of these rules may result in disqualification.
5.11 Use of drones is not allowed at the event site.
6. Vehicles
6.1 All vehicles are subject to a technical and safety inspection before competing. Entry fees will be refunded for inspection failure. Only TSSCC members may take advantage of a yearly technical inspection. TSSCC members who modify their vehicle to an extent to which it becomes ineligible for its declared class may be subject to penalties including loss of points. Safety and classification will be addressed at the annual technical inspection for TSSCC members and at each event for non-members.
6.2 A competing vehicle may be barred from further competition if deemed unsafe or illegal by the Technical Inspector or the Event Master Chief. When the problem(s) is (are) corrected, eligibility will be reinstated.
6.3 All vehicles must have functioning 4-wheel brakes operated by a single actuator, such as a foot pedal or hand control for handicapped drivers. The 4-wheel rule does not apply to karts and open-wheel cars.
6.4 Tires may not have any cord showing prior to a run.
6.5 Events are limited to vehicles with a wheelbase minimum of 60 inches (except karts). The Event Chief may exclude vehicles with a wheelbase exceeding 116 inches if determined that they cannot readily negotiate the course.
6.6 The TSSCC Board of directors may designate any tire to be illegal for any class regardless of DOT or other numbers.
6.7 All competing vehicles must have their class and number clearly displayed on the left and right side of the vehicle. Shoe polish on the windshield is not adequate. It is strongly suggested that competitors use numbers that comply with the SCCA requirements of being a minimum of 8″ tall with a minimum stroke of 1 inch. Class letters need to be at least 4″ tall. Colors should clearly contrast with the vehicle color. Numbers should be 2 digits except for 2 driver cars, where one driver will use a 2 digit number, and the second driver will use “1” followed by the same number (e.g. 23 and 123). Special classing letters such as Novice (N) or Double (D) should precede the classing letters.
6.8 The noise level of all TSSCC competition vehicles should be at or below the decibel limit defined by the autocross site, at a distance of 50 feet from the edge of the course unless otherwise indicated.
6.9 Any vehicle deemed excessively loud (even if they comply with 6.8), at the discretion of the BOD, may not be allowed to compete further until suitable modifications are made.
7. Classification
7.1 Two entrants may define a class for trophies. Fewer may result in bumping as prescribed in the official SCCA rule book, Appendix B. (Classes shall not be combined for year-end points purposes).
8. Timing and scoring
8.1 Events shall be timed to a minimum accuracy of 0.001 second increments.
8.2 If electronic timing equipment is not available, three persons shall manually time each vehicle. The high and low times will be discarded with the middle time used for scoring purposes.
8.3 If the timing equipment fails to register a start, or fails during a run, the contestant shall be flagged off the course as soon as possible. Foregoing a DNF, a rerun will be granted.
8.4 Luck or chance may not be intentionally included as a factor in timing and scoring.
8.5 The penalty for displacing a course marker shall be 2 seconds for that run. All cones from the finish line to the end of the course shall be scored as DNF if hit.
8.6 A minimum of five runs or five minutes must separate a vehicle’s runs.
8.7 A pointer pylon and a marker pylon touching are considered to be one pylon for penalty purposes. Pointer pylons shall not carry a penalty unless otherwise specified.
8.8 Contestants shall complete the course in the manner prescribed on the course map provided by the Event Master.
8.9 If a particular course marker counts more than the normal two second penalty, that fact must be stated at the driver’s meeting, the course marker in question highlighted on the course map, and approved by the Board of Directors present.
9. Protests
9.1 All protests concerning TSSCC events must be specific and must be submitted in writing by someone directly affected by the protest to the Event Master or a Board Member before the end of competition runs for that event. Each protest must be accompanied by a fee of $50.00, refundable only if the protest is upheld. Depending on the protest the board may require additional fees.
9.2 The Board of Directors present at the event shall make up the protest committee.
9.3 A majority vote of the protest committee is final. The committee must specify the reason the protest was upheld and the action to be taken. A protest may be appealed only if new and pertinent information is given to the club President, who may recall the committee. This committee has the right to refuse entry to a participant in future events.
9.4 In the event a vehicle is found to be illegal for the class in which it is entered, the vehicle will be reclassified properly and points and trophies awarded accordingly. Note section 7.1 in the case of TSSCC members.
10. Trophies
10.1 Trophies will be awarded at the event and meeting directly after the event for the novice class only. The drivers must be present to receive a trophy.
11. Championship series
11.1 TSSCC members shall receive points for competition events held under these rules to count toward yearly awards for the championship series. For classes with at least two competitors, points will be awarded as follows: 25 for 1st, 18 for 2nd, 15 for 3rd, 12 for 4th, 10 for 5th, 8 for 6th, 6 for 7th, 4 for 8th, 2 for 9th, and 1 for 10th. Drivers finishing in positions lower than 10th will all receive 1 point for the event. In the case of a class with only one competitor, that competitor will receive 20 points.
11.2 Each year, based on the total number of events, the BOD will determine how many events (event points) may be dropped for the year. The minimum number of events to be counted towards season points is 71% of the events.
11.3 A driver must enter the same class in half of the yearly points events (rounding down) to be eligible for year-end awards. Novice entries in the same class will be counted towards this requirement, with 1 point awarded for each event counted. A driver can only win a class points award for one class per season.
11.4 Classes shall not be combined for awarding points.
11.5 Non-points events shall be so designated prior to the event.
11.6 Members may compete in more than one class, but points may not be transferred between classes.
11.7 Year-end awards shall be given to the top third of the qualifying/eligible drivers in the class, rounding up (e.g. 2 trophies for 4 qualifying drivers). In case of ties, equal awards shall be given to both.
11.8 The Timing and Scoring Chief shall be responsible for scoring the series, determining eligibility, and making points standings available to members.
11.9 Championship series awards shall be given at the annual Awards Banquet.
11.10 The Rookie of the Year (ROTY) award shall be given, at the Awards Banquet, to the TSSCC member who has entered no more than 3 autocross events with any club previous to the award year and has exhibited the most consistent driving skill under the most competitive conditions, accomplishing feats clearly distinguishable from those of other rookies. He or she will be chosen by a vote of the membership.
11.11 The Steve Willis Memorial Driver of the Year award shall be given at the Awards Banquet to the member who exhibited the most consistent driving skill under the most competitive conditions, accomplishing feats clearly distinguishable from those of fellow drivers. He or she will be chosen by a vote of the membership.
This award was named after the 1992 Driver of the Year, Steve Willis. Steve was an active member of the club from 1985 through 1992, serving on the Board of Directors in various capacities. He died in February of 1993, while in the line of duty with Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, at a raid in Waco Texas. The award was renamed that year to honor his memory as an outstanding driver and a close friend to many in the club.
11.12 The Member of the Year (MOTY) award shall be given at the Awards Banquet to the member who provided Outstanding Service to the Club and its Members. He or she will be chosen by a vote of the Board of Directors.
12. SCCA Classes & Spokes Indexed Classes
Spokes’ “base” classes mirror the classing structure used by the SCCA. The most current version of the SCCA rules and car classification can be found here. In addition to the SCCA classes, Spokes provides a few indexed classes to run in, outlined below.
All classes are scored using the current nationally based PAX factors (The PAX/RTP values to be used for indexing competition can be found here). Indexed classes cannot combined (i.e. A driver cannot combine the street tire and X class and run in XT).
Street Tire – (shortened to “Tire” class) – Required for all SSR, Street Prepared, Street Modified, Prepared, and Modified cars using standard 200TW or greater street tires. If a question arises at an event about the legality of a particular tire, the Board members present will decide. The class will be designated by a T preceding the car’s regular competition class (i.e. TASP would be Street Tire – A Street Prepared).
R Class – Required for all SSR, Street Prepared, Street Modified, Prepared, and Modified classed cars that are running non-200TW tires. The class will be designated by an R preceding the car’s regular competition class (i.e. RFP would be R-class F Prepared).
X Class – This is a “Pro” class and is open to any driver. This class is intended for persons seeking the highest levels of competition in the Spokes championship series. This class will be designated by a X preceding the car’s regular competition class (i.e. XCS would be X-class C Street).
Novice (N) Class – Novice Class times shall be determined by a PAX index. There is no year-end Championship for the Novice class. Soft compound, DOT approved racing tires or racing slicks are not legal. If a question arises at an event about the legality of a particular tire, the Board members present will decide. The class will be designated by a N preceding the car’s regular competition class. A driver is eligible to compete in the novice class if they have run no more than 6 autocross events (with any club) prior to running with Spokes. A driver is eligible to compete in the novice for up to one full season, or until they win the novice class at an event, whichever comes first.
U Class – Required for all CAM-C, CAM-S, CAM-T, XS, XA, and XB class cars. The U class is for RWD vehicles in the SCCA CAM or Extreme Street (XS) categories that may have extensive engine and/or suspension modifications, but run 200+ TW tires. The class will be designated by a U preceding the car’s regular competition class (ex. UCAMS, UXA, etc).
1. All entrants that enter the event twice must enter in the D-class as one of their entries.
2. Entry fee for running in D-class will be in addition to your first entry. Register twice, pay twice.
3. The D-class is not a competitive class, will not show up in the Pax or Raw time results, and does not have a points race or Year End Championship.
4. D-class runs must be taken in a heat that occurs after your regular competition class runs.
5. D-class competitors are required to perform 2 work assignments. The work assignments will be coordinated with the Worker Chief.
6. D-class is reserved to pre-register only. If you wish to double-enter the event you must pre-register both of your entries.
7. Only one class prefix will be allowed on your vehicle on a given run. Class prefixes include T, R, U, X, N, and D. Multiple prefixes may result in your times being disqualified. For example if you regularly run CSP in the Tire class, do not show up to the line with DTCSP on your car; mark your car as TCSP for your regular competition runs and DCSP for your Double runs.
8. The class prefix must be placed immediately before your class when displayed on your car. For example: DCSP is correct. CSPD is not correct.